Michelin - A Better Way Forward
Safer Routes to Schools
Road safety education for transition to secondary school

About Michelin

Michelin is committed to improving road safety around the world.

Road traffic accidents are the most common cause of serious injuries to children and young people in the UK and Michelin co-ordinates road safety projects for young people across the country.

Since 2011 Michelin has presented award winning live road safety shows and provided road safety online resources to more than 18,000 students and teachers across the UK.

It has also given out 14,000 cycle helmets and launched the Michelin Young Driver Programme.

You are going to a new school and you will need to be especially careful on streets you may not be familiar with. Michelin has worked with schools in its community to build this online resource as it wants to help you stay safe now and in the future.

Enjoy Safer Routes to School.